Points Credit Cards will enable you to enjoy Cash Back Offers or entitle you for various Reward Programs by earning Points on every purchase you make. You can also partake of Rebates & Rewards Programs as and when you happen to use a Points Credit Card. Pick a Point Credit Card of your choice from the wide range of Points Credit Cards & Apply Now! Enjoy The Benefits! |
All | Personal Cards(6) | Business Cards(0) | Student Cards(6) Secured Cards(0) | Prepaid Cards(0) |
We Found 12 Points |
 (Choose Upto 4) |

CARD TYPE Personal |
No annual membership fee
Low variable rate of 9.25%, 12.25%, or 15.25% (Prime + 6.00%, Prime + 9.00%, or Prime + 12.00%) as of 4/1/10 based on the creditworthiness. This APR will vary based on the Prime Rate. (If there is an interest charge, the charge will be no less than $1.00).
Low Introductory ARP on balance transfers of 1.99% for your first 6 billing cycles, this rate will not change during the introductory period. Applies to balance transfers processed within three months of your account open date. After that, your APR will be the same as your assigned purchase rate, based on your creditworthiness. This APR will vary based on the Prime Rate.
Earn 1 bonus point for every $1 in qualifying net retail purchases
Turn your points into hotel, gift, or experience rewards
Travel accident coverage up to $1,000,000
Online access to credit card account information |
Required Credit |
Rewards |
Annual Fees |
Default APR |
Grace Period |
Excellent |
Points, Travel, Hotel, Shopping |
None |
See Terms* |
25 Days |
Description |
Purchases |
Balance Transfers |
Cash Advances |
Intro APR |
None |
1.99% |
N.A |
Intro Period |
None |
6 billing cycles |
N.A |
Regular APR |
9.25% 12.25%, or 15.25% |
9.25% 12.25%, or 15.25% |
14.75%, 18.25%, or 21.25% |
Transaction Fee |
None |
2% |
$5 or 5% (Max. Fee: $100) |
Click Here To Apply - IBERIABANK Visa® Platinum Card |

CARD TYPE Student |
- 0% Intro APR on purchases for 9 months.
- 5% Cashback Bonus® in categories that change like travel, department stores, gas, groceries, restaurants, and more.
- Up to 1% unlimited Cashback Bonus on everything else you buy.
- $0 Fraud Liability
- No Annual Fee
Required Credit |
Rewards |
Annual Fees |
Default APR |
Grace Period |
New |
Cash Back, Points, Gas, Travel, Hotel, Airline, Shopping |
$0.00 |
Between up to 18.99% and up to 25.99% for purchases |
25 Days |
Description |
Purchases |
Balance Transfers |
Cash Advances |
Intro APR |
0.00% |
N.A |
N.A |
Intro Period |
9 Months |
N.A |
N.A |
Regular APR |
13.99% to 20.99% |
N.A |
23.99% |
Transaction Fee |
None |
N.A |
5% (Min $10) |
Click Here To Apply - Discover® Student Card |
 (Choose Upto 4) |