Cash Back Credit Cards provide Reward Programs which will enable the individuals to claim their returns by way of cash or rebate incentives. An individual can claim his cash back whenever he uses the Cash Back Credit Card with Rebate Programs and Cash Back Incentives. Unless, one has a Good to Excellent Credit Rating one cannot receive approval for a Cash Back Credit Card. Pick the Credit Card of your choice from the wide range of Cash Back Credit Cards & Apply Now! Enjoy The Benefits! |
All(12) | Personal Cards(6) | Business Cards(0) | Student Cards Secured Cards(0) | Prepaid Cards(0) |
We Found 6 Cash Back Card(s) Under Student Cards |

CARD TYPE Student |
- 0% Intro APR on purchases for 9 months.
- 5% Cashback Bonus® in categories that change like travel, department stores, gas, groceries, restaurants, and more.
- Up to 1% unlimited Cashback Bonus on everything else you buy.
- $0 Fraud Liability
- No Annual Fee
Required Credit |
Rewards |
Annual Fees |
Default APR |
Grace Period |
New |
Cash Back, Points, Gas, Travel, Hotel, Airline, Shopping |
$0.00 |
Between up to 18.99% and up to 25.99% for purchases |
25 Days |
Description |
Purchases |
Balance Transfers |
Cash Advances |
Intro APR |
0.00% |
N.A |
N.A |
Intro Period |
9 Months |
N.A |
N.A |
Regular APR |
13.99% to 20.99% |
N.A |
23.99% |
Transaction Fee |
None |
N.A |
5% (Min $10) |
Click Here To Apply - Discover® Student Card |